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The Racing Bug

Writer: Billy BillanyBilly Billany

Racing is fun I don't care what anyone says.

Maybe not in the moment as you can't breathe or feel your legs, or straight afterwards as you can't breathe or feel your legs, or come to think of it the day after as you cant breathe or feel your legs. All you're doing is blowing out your arse for the duration but once you're done it's fun. That feeling of getting over the finishing line is something different, you see it on the horizon and that last bit of what you have left comes to life and gets you there no matter what your body is telling you 80% of the way through.

Even if you don't achieve the goal you set out for the race, you still feel good getting over the line. One of the best things I got told early on at the club was that not every race will be your best. Some races you can turn up with all boxes checked, good sleep, good diet, good energy, but as you get going you just aren't there and that's okay. I still struggle with keeping this in mind when I am not running how I expect myself to be, but like anything I'm sure in time I will get better at accepting that.

At this stage, we're into July and I'm still really enjoying the club runs a few times a week and starting to hear about more races. Next up, South Cave 10KM! It is meant to be quite a nice 10KM with a couple of rough hills. Sounds good. Other than the 2 day stag do I already have planned the days prior for my mate. I said I'd behave at the stag do but I absolutely didn't. Sunday morning came around and a nice 6am start for me as I needed to drive about 45 miles to get back for the race. Rough was an understatement. Luckily, Ben (my brother) was also out the night before so we were both feeling the consequences of our actions.

We crept up to the start line, way too far back (you will see this is a common theme with me) and we spent the first mile or so trying to squeeze through to the right pace for us. After that we cruised along sitting at the 7:35/mile (4:43/km) pace. Now, something is going to happen that has not happened since and I strongly doubt it ever will again. I felt pretty good and suggested to Ben we crack on, he wasn't feeling tip top so he spurred me on and hung back whilst I pushed the last mile. I knew as soon as I did it Ben would regret letting me go. I pushed on hard, up the last steep hill and round the last field area to the finish. I went like fuck (for my ability and current condition. It wasn't till I crossed the line and saw Ben next to me. It's official, I finished a race ahead of Ben. Yes, he was hungover but that's not the point. See below!

Between this race and the next I thought I'd have a crack at a 5KM up and down the road near me. It was a solid run, could've shaved a little bit of time off from crossing a road and avoiding people but it's the best attempt I've done so far and still haven't beaten it to this day, but to be honest I haven't ran a 5KM pb attempt since it.

Next up, Leeds Half Marathon at Roundhay Park. My first Half Marathon race, luckily running with Ben so he will keep me going as fast as I can. I'd not ran the distance too many times before this but I was feeling pretty good in my training and regular running. We got there nice and early, had a warm up and even had a nice massage beforehand. We got underway, Ben set the pace and set it strong. It was 4 loops of the park to which had 2 sections of hills, the first was fairly gradual and not too demanding but the second was brutal for me. First and second lap the momentum was good, felt pretty solid put could feel the affect those hills had on my legs as I got round to them again the third time. I spent a lot of time and energy getting up and past that 3rd set of hills. By the time we were on the last lap and about 1KM from the hills Ben was itching to press on where I was slowing, so I waved him on and let him do his thing. The last climb was terrible. My legs were jelly, my head was light and I didn't think I'd get up them. But one good thing about these races, everyone is doing the same thing so there is very likely someone else struggling with you and that absolutely was the case. A bloke to the side of me was giving me shouts of encouragement as I struggled the first hill and and as it tapered off ahead of the next climb I got some energy. Adrenaline maybe, knowing the finish was not far from here. I then gave him shouts of encouragement through it. We both got through it and give each other a hug over the line as we met there. It was a brutal but really enjoying experience.

Chip time 01:41:29 for me which was a PB by 14 minutes.

Chip time 01:40:01 for Ben, painful to see the 1 second over, but an unreal effort regardless.

Racing is fun, but is way better running with someone.

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